
Food, Homemaking and Social Integration for Syrian Women in Istanbul, Gaziantep and Hatay

Project Summary

Through in-depth qualitative research with Syrian women, the project endeavors to understand migrant homemaking activities and specifically how food practices change and are involved in integration.

This project was funded through The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK) 1001 programme, project number: 122K209.

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Özyeğin University Hosted “Food, Migration & Social Cohesion Workshop”

Feb 4, 2025

Özyeğin University has hosted the “Food, Migration & Social Cohesion Workshop” as part of the “TUBITAK-1001 Project on …

Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.

Team Presentation; Food, Migration and Belonging

May 30, 2023

Our project coordinator Susan Rottmann from Özyeğin University gave a presentation about Food, Migration and Belonging, to the project members.

IMISCOE 20th Annual Conference

July 4, 2023

Presentation at the IMISCOE 20th Annual conference at the panel “Sustainable food and
Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.

Methodology Training Series 3 - Coding

February 5, 2024

In the third event of our Methodology Training Series on Feb 5th of 2024, we listened to one of our project’s senior researchers Asst. Prof. Maissam Nimer from Istanbul University, Faculty of Political Sciences. The training began with the basic principles of coding in qualitative research. After defining coding manually, using Nvivo, and coding with AI, Nimer shared examples of coding process from previous research along with ways of creating an efficient codebook. The meeting concluded with a hands-on session on the Nvivo software whereby team members practiced the initial phases of coding.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.

Diasporic Foodways of the Chilean Palestinian Mahjar by Nicholas Bascuñan-Wiley

May 21, 2024

On March 19, 2024 Tuesday, we came together with Nicholas Bascuñan-Wiley to listen to his research on “Diasporic Foodways of the Chilean Palestinian Mahjar”. Nicholas Bascuñan-Wiley is a PhD candidate in Northwestern University’s sociology department. His work is focusing on the diasporic foodways and the intricate relationship among migration and senses. During this talk, Nicholas informed us about the Chilean Palestinian context to understand better what migration feels-like and how migrants navigate the embodied dimension of diaspora though culinary and gastronomic practices. The presentation was followed by a discussion and Q&A session whereby participants shared thoughts on foodways’ sensory dimensions and different migration contexts. The event ended with a discussion on the current events in Palestine and the academic stances in the globe.

Hatay: Post-earthquake stories from the field kitchens

April 8, 2024

On 23 February 2024, we welcomed Dr. Erhan Akarçay from Anadolu University and Dr. Anna Maria Beylunioğlu from Nehna platform to listen to their precious field-driven insights into how people built field kitchens in Hatay after Feb 6 earthquakes in Türkiye. At the beginning of the event, Assoc. Prof. Susan Beth Rottmann introduced the project to the audience and talked about her field visit to Hatay. Rottmann talked about how Syrian migrants were affected by the earthquake, with a focus on culinary life and culture after the disaster. Then Erhan Akarçay gave an elaborate and comprehensive speech on his personal field experiences in Hatay as part of a volunteering field kitchen initiative to provide food for earthquake survivors. Akarçay was followed by Anna Maria Beylunioğlu who also shared precious insights and anecdotes from her own experience in Hatay from right after the quake till now. She talked about how quake survivors in Hatay (particularly the Christian community) organized around food and culinary practices. She also mentioned the commemorative significance of cultural food to maintain belonging and identity in Hatay. The event concluded with a Q&A session, where the audience and speakers shared ideas and experiences to understand the significance of food for people in Hatay to foster solidarity & survival in the traumatic post-earthquake period.

IUAES Commission on Anthropology of the Middle East Fortitude in Face of Turmoil

September 4, 2024

IFEA-During 4-6 September 2024, Zeynep Yılmaz Hava and Susan Rottmann convened and moderated a panel at the “Commission of Anthropology of the Middle East Conference 2024: Fortitude in the Face of Turmoil” at IFEA (Institut Français d’Etudes Anatoliannes). The panel titled “Food on the Move: Home, Belonging and Resilience” brought together a range of case studies and disciplinary perspectives. This panel deepened our understanding of the interplay between food, belonging and homemaking for people on the move in the Middle East. Canan Şeyma Demir and Yousef Saleh from our project team also presented at the panel.

Methodology Training Series 2 - Mental Maps

December 1, 2023

In the second event of our Methodology Training Series on Dec 1st, we listened to Asst. Prof. Pınar Sezginalp Özçetin from the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Özyeğin University. The training focused on understanding mental maps and how to collect data through mental maps in an ethnographic research. The workshop provided a comprehensive background on the evolution and significance of drawings in architecture; showed us how historiography & social changes have an impact on dwelling and drawing styles. “The power of drawings is beyond words in architecture,” says Özçetin. The training concluded with a team discussion on the mental maps collected from our project’s interviewees so far in Istanbul, Hatay and Gaziantep.

Panel: Foodways, Home-making and Mobility // The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) Conference

September 6, 2024

Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes (I.F.E.A), Istanbul As the Özyeğin University Food and Migration project team, we will hold a panel session on “Foodways, Home-making, and Mobility” in the Middle East, at the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) Conference organized in collaboration with the Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes (I.F.E.A) in Istanbul, Türkiye on September 6-8, 2023. The conference will host academicians working in migration studies from around the world. Please click here to view the details of the event.

Webinar on Culinary Sustainability as a Belonging and Resilience Practice for Syrian Refugees

October 9, 2024

Susan Rottmann, Zeynap Yilmaz Hava and Nour Zanjer joined a Zoom webinar at Clark University to talk about food, homemaking, and integration for Syrian women in three cities in Türkiye. The talk is titled “Culinary Sustainability as a Belonging and Resilience Practice for Syrian Refugees” This talk is part of the Clark University’s Fall ’24 Belonging Talks series, “Food, Migration, and Belonging: Sustainable Practices for Integrated Communities.” This series is co-sponsored by Clark University’s Department for Sustainability and Social Justice, the new Sustainable Food Systems Program, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the Sociology Department, and the Political Science Department, with the generous support of the Chester Bland Fund. During the webinar, panelists presented their Tübitak research project, gave an overview of Syrian refugees’ sitation in Turkiye. After Rottmann talked about food and belonging, Yılmaz Hava and Zanjer presented the findings of their article (under review) on culinary sustainability as a belonging and resilience practice for Syrian women in Istanbul. The webinar concluded with tha Q&A session.


Established in 2007 by the Hüsnü M. Özyeğin Foundation, Özyeğin University is an entrepreneurial research university focused on global impact, student development, and academic excellence. It offers 25 bachelor’s, 36 master’s, and 10 doctoral programs across 7 faculties and 3 graduate schools. Özyeğin University is committed to advancing its research capabilities, with a rapidly growing research output driven by its ambitious graduate programs and a dynamic academic community that fosters innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration. Recognized internationally, the university ranks second globally among foundation and private universities newly established within the last 20 years in the “THE Young Universities Rankings.” It has also led Türkiye’s foundation universities in the “THE Impact Rankings” for 6 consecutive years.
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